Monday 30 November 2015

Making friends with work

One makes friends not only by creating a society. Developing relationships with human being or with animals. In making friends, one gets to know the object of friendship. There are people who see something in somebody, then they get themselves acquainted, their friendship may become closer and deeper, which turn either into best-friends or even lovers. These are common, but there are also people simply take the object superficially and kept at arms length as they call it "buddy-buddy". That is okay. But what about making friends with the work or the job? People look for a job to get sustenance or as a life-support, every one knows that. And they look for a job that they know they can do and they like, this is definitely. People would not be able to perform well if they don't like the work.
And yet some people may be trapped in a such situation  that somehow they are forced to take a work they don't like, it is either because it is not their qualifications or due to unpleasant environment. In this situation inner-battles develop. It is either to be a stayer or leaver. Wise people, seeing the necessities, would make friends with that work, in a sense by learning about the work and even try to develop a kind of sixth sense to be able to visualize the characters of the work. Sound strange it is, but the moment the person succeeded in studying the object, he would find the the work which first he did not like, now has become something easy to deal with. 
This process often happens in a situation when for example a civil engineer graduate and unemployed is forced to help his father in a commodity shop where he smell odors he does not like, for instance the stinging smell of dry hot-chilly mix with the smell of spices in goni sacks, and in the end, he finds it a pleasure to serve buyers. Here we may say that he was able to make friends with a work and that led to making friends with people.

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