Wednesday 4 November 2015

An invitation from India

As a dressmaker or seamstress, Tina needed inspirations. A jet-set girl with wide imagination loved to make friends, too. She made friends in and through many ways and one of the ways was through the Internet. One of her Internet contacts and friends was a girl called Chandni from India. A graduate in biology from an Indian University.

It was a week before the Indian Light Festival the Indians called "Divali", Chandni called Tina and invited her to come to her city in the state of  Andhra Pradesh to celebrate the Divali. And Tina accepted. Tina was told not to bring many outfits, Chandni said that she would dressed her up Indian ways.

So, Tina went. Arrived at Chandni's home, went to a room prepared by Chandni, she saw laying on the bed, dresses that Chandni mentioned. This left Tina open-mouthed and thought that Chandni was another hell of a crazy girl. Tina looked at Chandni who was sneering behind her. How much  all those dresses would cost, Tina asked, but Chandni said, they were all for Tina. Chandni was indeed another girl from a multi-millionaire family. The day came and the girls had fun with lights and dances and sweet dishes.

Tina stayed there for 2 weeks and she learned quite a few of Indian dressmaking tricks. She really had wonderful moments with Chandni. And before checking in the airport, Tina in return invited Chandni to spend New Year holiday in Jakarta.

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