Tuesday 3 November 2015

Tina's feasibility study into business (3)

She found a place for her shop, she engaged an accountant to handle her financial affairs. She had a meeting with Edward. This plan of hers brought her closer to this person. The other day, they met in a coffee-shop at the Grand Indonesia Mall and discussed about the name of her shop and how to get it legally registered.

While they where in the middle of the topic, Tina's eyes caught sight of a pretty lady entering the coffee shop, approached the counter. She was accompanied by a young man. Tina and Edward stared at them, then they heard that pretty lady was speaking in a half English and half Indonesian language. Tina focused her stare and she told Edward that she recognized that lady. She grabbed her Android and browsed, then lo...! She showed Edward what she saw in her Android and asked him could that pretty lady be Tania Gunadi, an Indonesian born actress. So much that they looked alike, the newcomer lady and the actress. But Edward said could be or could not be, and that nowadays so many persons could look alike. Tina shrugged. Tina commented on the lady's attire and she looked at herself...

compare to

Sneering she asked Edward to compare her against the Gunadi lady... :D

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