Wednesday 11 November 2015

Mike the smart boy

There were Tina the dressmaker, Edward the business consultant, Richard the Hotel management graduate who was looking for experience abroad and Christine nicknamed Chris who was a make-up artist. Remained Mike to be introduced. Mike was an Informatics Technology expert. After completing his high-school, he went to an university and took Informatics Technology and Computer Science. A smart and happy-go-lucky boy who knew how and where to find his money. No one could say that he was a loner for he had quite a large scope of relations, just when his friends did not see him for sometime, they would know that he must be up to something in his solitude. In his solitude, Mike either dipped himself in serious matters or just relaxing writing blogs in some websites that he did not want anyone of his friends to know about. And he was also a charming groomer like "Great Gatsby". God help ladies who laid eyes on him...

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