Thursday 26 November 2015

Unemployment crisis

Since the end of the second millenium and the beginning of this present third millenium , the world has been swimming in tribulations. Disputes have been rising among nations, many people have lost a lot and many are reluctant to speak about them. Unemployment rate is raising and refuses to decline. Efforts have been made till today to decrease that high unemployment rate. Many big surviving company have been making efforts to open working opportunities to people in one way or another and one of those ways are the possibilities to work from home. And that good opportunity is not without hindrances, for instance, those who would like to have a micro business at home, need capital. To collect capital from nowhere is impossible and it has become a major problem.
They say, those who are educated might be able to find their solutions. But what if those intelligent person are stuck?

There is another way that seem so easy, in the Internet field which has become so popular nowadays, and that one also has drawbacks, again capital. Capital to buy the equipment like computer or like it.
Then they, the well-off who are concerned about this crisis, established places for public to be able to use computers either with low fees, they call Cyber club or Cyber Cafe. Or some even have been so kind as to offer free of charge to some individuals and together they work charities. Such have been the effort to share sustenance to the world and yet, so much effort done, the crisis rate is still high.

Efforts are still being done and will continually be done that the people wish of a peaceful and prosper world would somehow be achieved.

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