Thursday 19 November 2015

Tina's feasibility study into business (5)

Tina's gotten the registration, alright, next step operation permit, but one thing they have forgotten. Tina was supposed to look for a partner or co-tenant in occupying the shop space at the Grand Indonesia Mall. This she should had obtained prior to the registration application. They saw a problem. She mentioned this problem to Edward and he shrieked.

Edward studied the plan again, and then he exclaimed that in her budgets, she hadn't included the co-tenant affair yet. He told Tina that would come after. They decided to look for a partner. An advertisement, in the newspaper or on-line, that should help. And there would be the Tenancy Agreement Amendment then the Company Registration Amendment to take care of.

Tina sighed and thought , she really had a long way to go before her shop would get a co-tenant and go operational. In the meantime, she told Edward, she'd continued with her drop-shipping, and why not doing on-line drop-shipping, too! Edward asked her not to create complications if she would want to keep herself fit. Tina laughed. So they went to an advertisement agency to post "looking for a business co-tenant" ads. So, thus, that day ended.

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