Sunday 15 November 2015

A topic between Tina and Mirabelle

It was another Sunday. But this Sunday, after breakfast Tina's Internet Messenger rang, a video-call. It was Mirabelle. They exchanged greetings and they started talking about the things that interested them. Mirabelle asked Tina if she knew anything about myths. Tina said she read some about the Greeks' or the Romans' or some about the Indians'. And Mirabelle mentioned about Psyche, Echo and Athena. Tina asked if Mirabelle thought, by the hazard, that somehow those characters really existed in the spirit realm. Laughingly Mirabelle commented that no one would really know but somehow the myths would remain alive to eternity.

Then they talk about Tina's plan of spending Christmas and New Year in Mirabelle's island of Mauritius. Tina said she contacted Chandni already and told her about the change of plan, it was a good thing, Chandni agreed. Chandni quoted "curiosity kills the cat", since she was curious to know about that particular small island, so small that  could hardly  be noticed in the world map. Mirabelle sneered. Mirabelle offered a nice bungalow for them. And also a transportation to take them on trips around the island. Mirabelle mentioned about places they could go or do. Tina seemed to be very interested and they continued chatting, talking about nonsense for a while and before they hung-up, Mirabelle told Tina not to think too much of what kind of dress she should bring. Tina laughed and said that she and Chandni would come with empty suitcases.

Mirabelle and Tina said "au revoir" to each other added with "bizous-bizous" and hung-up. Tina sighed and whispered "funny".

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