Tuesday 17 November 2015

Who is considered important in the Interior Decoration?

Interior decorations are referred to decorations inside a building or a mere space. Every room needs to be decorated so that it may look nice in the eyes of the beholders. An empty room definitely looks ugly and cold. But with decorations in it, the room will be felt warmer.

Decorations in a space are the furniture, like tables and chairs, sofas and others. And a space needs also windows and of course, to get into that space, there is the door. They, too, needs to be decorated with something everyone call curtains. Some curtains come in plastic and they are ready made from the factory, but many prefer curtains made of cloth, because they last longer then plastic, and easier to manipulate in many ways, either let it fall straight down to the floor or set it into drapes.

To have beautiful set of curtain made of cloth, apart from the interior decorator who chooses the style, there is one particular person who plays important role, and that is the sewer or seamstress.

Not many people fancy of taking this side of line, because it does not bring big revenue. People look down on those who work as seamstress. In some society they are considered as the domestics. But who would assemble clothing material into something to cover corpus(?), who would stitch or join pieces of cloth into something to cover the windows and bar the room from sunlight, sets of bedding,  and other things? No other than the sewer or seamstress. Using their sewing machines or even only with their hands, still it is them. So, low as they may, without them Master of Arts in Interior Decorations would never be able to do anything. In French "un affair a reflechir".


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