Monday 19 October 2015

The over size

A self-conscious woman thinks a lot about her body. She would often watch herself in the mirror, and ask herself whether her looks are alright to the eyes of who ever sees her. Whether her size is alright or somehow too big and too fat or too small and skinny. To a woman, size and shape of a body matter very much. It concerns very much about what kind of dress would go right with her body and pose.

For small and skinny ladies, there will not be too many difficulties in getting into some dresses. Small and skinny ladies need many surplus decorations to cover her body so that she will look a little bit more filled or look a bit more solid than the real fragile person she is. Skinny or thin person may wear a set of suits with shoulder pads or sheered on the waist dresses or skirts.

A dress style  that can hide the frailness of a person.

While for fat ladies, it is very difficult to find a style that can camouflage their extra-size. Once, an African magazine published a picture of a style that fat ladies may wear, that may look good on them. 

or a contemporary tailored cut dress from Chatelaine, cut and sewn in a way to hide the fat belly which always gives bad view, can ameliorate the look. 

Due to the wizards of fashion nevertheless, nowadays fat women can join in the fashion hunts and errands and look charming and beautiful.

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