Saturday 17 October 2015

Fashion predictions for 2016 (1)

Ladies will always go  "folle" alias crazy about dresses and gowns and shoes et cetera, et cetera, et cetera... They wait for the next vogue to come to  exhibition that they will be able to decide which will be nice to wear by each one of them. Many go to premier gala fashion show to be one of the first to get the first glimpse of the latest style. Fashion of 2015 is already laid out, and those renowned designers have started with their predictions how fashion will be next year.

This time the topic will be fashion prediction from Gucci. This brand is offering Bohemian style and color as well as oriental materials cut into contemporary European and American styles. As accessories, Gucci never forgets its typical trademark decoration or brooch on the bags and footwear. The video below will show how colorful Gucci's ladies will be by next year of 2016

And graceful like Esmeralda the Bohemian.

Now, let us see, the well known Versace, which has gotten quite big favors among busy women. Versace offers tailored-cut short dresses on dark colors and shade. Nevertheless, the video below shows some of the styles are also elegant

And, good to be taken into considerations by those who are young, busy and practical. :)

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