Thursday 22 October 2015

Some men's shirt

A dressmaker was taking a break from her daily dressmaking activities in her small workshop. She thought of searching for some inspirations from the shops downtown. She wanted to see what kind of fashion craze was in the market in her days. As she walked down the street of the city, her eyes fell on a shirt, a man's shirt. Looked very nice, the man who wears it may look outstanding. To her, it was a shirt which could bring out the best of a man's appearance. She laughed to herself, as she thought of sewing something like that. Thinking that men's shirts are a tailor's world, not a dressmaker's.

She studied the shirt, visualizing her boyfriend in it. She sneered. Yes, he would surely looked nice and handsome. Then she walked further down the street, into a market place. There she saw a number of style they hung in the open air, swaying blown by the wind.

She looked at them, surfed among those hanging shirts in many variety. There were also some not internationally known brands like Burgeon, Kenzo but are quite selling in the second degree markets. Then her eyes caught sight of a brand that was familiar to her, lying on the merchant's table. The brand that her male elders used to wear when she was a child

She remembered the style of that time. The tip of the collar was larger and there weren't any button to button the tip of the collar to the bodice of the shirt. She secretly smiled as the memory  how her father and uncles used to discuss about this brand after every purchase came to her.

Thank God, she brought enough money in her purse. Christmas would soon be coming, it was good for her to get one for him while she had the means.

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