Saturday 10 October 2015

Mature spring street style

Adolescence stage has passed but to remain chic and presentable is always the aim of the groomers. Getting older should not stop anyone from continuing grooming. One must always have the passion to follow style and trends that nobody would want to cast him away into the dark corner of shabbiness.

Matured people have the tendency to like lighter colors or pastel, and often combined with dark shade. Now, let's see what the world of fashion has for this spring...

Among the matured women...

many wear hip-length blouse with contrast color tights and since in spring, cold wind may still blow from time to time and matured ladies are more sensitive to cold wind, they wear a light coat or blazer over...

there! This blazer combined with the hip-length blouse and the tights produces a set of harmonious attire for a matured woman.

What about her partner? The handsome gentleman, what do they have in store for him? Let us pick some which are offered...

 this Esprit combination boost a man's appeal. Imagine if they appear in other lighter color matching combination, or another trend like..

a ragged-semi formal style to roam in the street hanging out with old friends, this one cheers up the spring season.

Other color combinations will surely liven-up the air as the season prepares itself for the coming season.

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