Saturday 24 October 2015

Figures in the paddock

Sport is an activity that a person do to keep himself fit. They have gymnastics, games with balls like football, basketball and some other and there is some  sports that involves the horses. They are called ,so far, horse-racing, polo and equestrian. In this sport both the horse and the rider do tough movements. The rider has to wear the riding suits. All of those horsing sport are interesting, but according to survey, people go more to horse-racing tracks.

In the horse-racing tracks, crowds gather and they look so busy with what is commonly said programs and bets. And people are also seen in the paddocks where horses are getting ready for the run. There are found people dressing up to kill, women wearing attire of colorful shades and hats to complete and the men many in their dashing tuxedos and bow-ties and tall-hats. The paddocks turn into a fashion gallery.

Lads from various stables will be seen taking the horses to warm-up before the race. Mostly lads are dressed-up in uniforms

                  A horse and its lads

A day at a horse race is fun, especially when one takes a place at an upper part of the spectators' lodge with a tele-camera in his hand. He surely can get the races recorded.

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