Sunday 7 February 2016

New resolutions

New year's Eve had passed. They had real good time, the party and also unexpected call from homes. Tina received calls from Indonesia and Chandni from India and they said hi to each others' friends and family through video calls, it was so funny.

The following day was naturally the first day of the beginning of another year. Tina woke up very late and as she stared at the ceiling wondering how that day would be spent. She thought of her plans back home and other plans involved. And Chandni on the other bed, beside Tina's, was seen doing a certain yoga position. Tina smiled.

Tina's phone rang, it was Edward, her consultant, greeted her and asked her when she would be back home. Some important documents were waiting for her, he said. Tina said that she had to complete her one month contract with the hotel Mirabelle got her into. Edward laughed at Mirabelle's smart program. Edward reported that a co-tenancy agreement draft of her commercial space was already drawn and needed her proofread. Tina asked Edward to scan it and send it to her email. She was going to read it from  where she was.

After she read the draft and suggested some alterations which she thought would be convenient to both parties, she sent the document back to Edward. Then her mind started surfing her next plan about how to set her shop nice. The furniture and the interior design and everything else.

As Tina was day-dreaming, Mirabelle showed up by the doorway and asked them to get ready. They were going to Chamarel for some curious adventures. There would be couple of places they could visit.

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