Thursday 25 February 2016

Pretty and beautiful botanical garden

Another day for Tina and Chandni with Mirabelle in Mauritius. They got up earlier that day. Tina while taking her breakfast, recollecting their adventure at the Parc Aventure Chamarel, then she laughed. Quite loud that Chandni turned her head and asked why. Tina replied that she was really astonished and amazed at what they did the previous day. Crossing the rope-bridge, clinging on woven ropes as if doing cliff-hanging and what not. Never she experienced that kind of adventure. She told Chandni about an adventure park back home called "Taman Safari Indonesia", a jungle-like park filled with animals free roaming in the open, that people were warned to close the windows of their cars as they explored the park. She did visit that park, but she did not see if adventure like she had in the Parc Aventure. Then she continued telling about the Taman Safari, that there was a hotel in the middle of the park for those who would like to stay over for the weekend or a holiday season. Looked interesting but she did not have the chance to stay over.

Parc Aventure Chamarel

While Tina were chatting about their interesting places in their respective countries, Mirabelle phoned on her mobile phone and asked them to come out for she was reaching the front door of their cottage.

This time, destination the town Pamplemousses. In this town there was a botanical garden. It did not took very long till they reached there. Mirabelle was a good driver. She drove a convertible jeep to the Parc Aventure, this time she drove a 4-wheel-drive.

As they arrived at the Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanical Garden, they looked through the iron entrance gate. Tina exclaimed that it looked peaceful and quiet, and quite romantic, too, and she commented if only she'd had a boyfriend. Chandni giggled and Mirabelle suggested that Tina should open her eyes big, because she might spot a handsome stroller in that garden. And Mirabelle added that there used to be some foreign students paid a visit to the garden for their projects and the eyes of one of them might catch her.

Then those girls took their cameras out and got themselves ready for pretty snapshots.

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