Tuesday 19 January 2016

Towards New Year

The Christmas day had gone by, as Mirabelle had planned, she told her friends that she wanted to organize a party for the New Year's Eve and asked Tina's and Chandni's assistance. She needed a hall, refreshments and music.

An idea struck Tina's mind and she offered if she could talk to her Hotel supervisor, if she could obtain a space for the occasion and Chandni offered to speak to the hypermarket's manager to give them special rate for the purchase of the refreshments they will need.

Mirabelle sneered and thought that was a very fast idea and she agreed. Adding that the time was so short, they should hurry. There wasn't any big problem with Chandni's effort to get the refreshments supply but quite a major problem with the hall because the only banquet hall at the hotel where Tina was assigned already had its own program. Five days away before the Eve, Tina and the others started running their fingers through the yellow pages.

After hours of spotting in the yellow pages and calling for informations, they got one and they made an appointment for a site-visit, which would be on the following day.

Mirabelle thought of a masquerade party, Tina looked at her wide-eyed and said that it would be great because she'd never been to any masquerade party, moreover then she was a part of the organizers. That would be an awesome experience to bring home, Tina added.

So it was decided.... Masquerade Party for New Year's Eve.



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