Tuesday 5 January 2016

A dressmaker blotted-out mind

Working needs concentration. Inspiration and ideas are expected in any kind of work. In the world of fashion and style, people say not only inspiration and ideas that play a great role, but also something that they call talent. Talent is an abstract quality of a personal capacity or ability on doing a work without hard effort of the mind and spirit of the person. When someone is talented, the fruit of his work may come in a kind of automatic way. It just flows.
But despite of the what is called talent, there are times when a mind goes blank and obscured, either due to boredom or physical fatigue. Now, this state of mind can come  not only to those talented thinkers or activists but also to a mere dressmaker. Some say that being a dressmaker is nice. It is not a difficult occupation. Not like a designer who has to know about lines and curves of human clothing tastes that the fruit of a designer can be appreciated. There are times when a dressmaker is attacked by a blotted state of mind, those are the times that her work becomes untidy due to mistakes done in cutting and stitching, simple as it is. Funny though, if ever we ask why her mind should come to a blotted state and the reply comes to be like that she is not able to complete her own dress so much that she's been spending all her time for her clients.
Then it will be seen the expression on her face that her blotted-out mind has thrown her into a state of trance. A dressmaker blotted-out mind may also cause some noise in her surroundings if she is not alone. She may herself turn sarcastic towards her fellow colleagues.

To get off from this state, a distraction is needed. She must breakaway for a while from her sewing machine. She must decide to take some fresh air and do some window-shopping. Or listen to some music or engage in a conversation.

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