Sunday 10 December 2023

A wildlife park - Perth Australia

All my life I have visited several of wildlife parks and zoos. Back home, in Indonesia I visited "Cisarua Safari" in Bogor, West Java.
In Jakarta, the "Kebun Binatang Ragunan" Pasar Minggu. They were wonderful. Yet, in early November 2023, my hubby and I went to Perth, Australia, for 3 weeks. 
We visited two of the most renowned parks in Perth.
One being  Caversham Wildlife Park which, according to my understanding, is a park run by a family. I find that so incredible. The park is well managed, the animals' health is meticulously cared for. Thumbs up for them. 
One of the animals there is this cute possum and one would not believe if I say there is also a peacock on a roof if I did not show this...
Now the other one is King's Park and Botanic Garden. A truly lovely park...
I wish one day my hubby and I could visit them again.😇

Thursday 18 May 2023

This is weird

First of all let me ask... Are you a Bible reader? Now let me start the story...:
I came to know a friend. She is a Christian, but I don't know from which jurisdiction, whether Catholic or Protestant or Adventist. 
She told me a bit of the story of her life. Married a man of different ethnic from hers. Had some children and the last child was a son. According to her, after her youngest reached 3 years old, his father started showing strange behaviours. She was confused. Being a Christian alright, but she was not really a Bible reader.
It was a good thing, she said, she consulted a certain Mother Reverend in a certain convent. Long story short, she learned about a phrase that goes " a dark lady is rejected into the wilderness " and another phrase that goes " an eagle is assign to the dark lady in the wilderness to feed her spiritually ". So I asked her what all that have anything to do with her. Then she explained about her spiritual situation. She said she started noticing that animals like cats, dogs, birds and other animals like squirrel and hedge-hogs were approaching her. Then she told the Mother Reverend about that strange phenomena. The Mother Reverend said it was her sign of becoming that particular dark lady. That is weird to me.
Then one day she came and announced that her youngest son was leaving for Australia. I congratulated her only to hear her saying:" Well, I definitely am going to get the Tasmanian devils into my jurisdiction...😁"
I went 😳, but after realizing what she meant.... we both 😂 to our wits. 
And that is weird.

Tuesday 19 October 2021

The great God's generosity

Hello dear fidele readers,
It has been very long time since the last time I scribbled some words on Blogger page of mine. 
I wish you all well-being during this difficult days. To have faith in God is necessary. Always think of Him as Super Saviour and that He always save His creatures through His beloved ones. 
Today I am writing about what I saw by the side-walk on my way downtown.
It was on the property of my neighbour whom I do not know his or her whereabouts. On that part of the side-walk grow wild plants and flowers and one of them is cotton plant, half blooming and half already bearing cotton balls.
I saw that so marvellous 😯, wondering where that plant came from and who or what brought it there 🤔. I simply could not resist filming it, but too bad, on this page I can only share the photos 🙁.
I told myself how generous is God. He always fulfill His promises to all His creatures. Imagine, as I plucked one cotton-ball and studied it. Out of one cotton-ball there are five seeds which can be replanted. Now, think how abundant will be in the coming replanting. 
Seeing that proof of His generosity, I simply say "God is most great and kind that I have no worries at all about my life 🤲🙏🏻."

Tuesday 25 May 2021

A hoepoe bird - my blog image

Some friends wondered about my Blogger's blog-image. In fact, it is my Google account image, in general. It is a bird with quite elaborate and strange type of feathers and a rare species, too. The name of that bird is hoepoe. This bird is mentioned in "The Holy Book" of Prophet Muhammad.  In The Book it is told that the hoepoe told stories about a queen in the land of Sheba to King Solomon and vice-versa. Because of this, to me it tells the characteristics of my Blogger page.
Just scribbling...😁

Thursday 22 April 2021

A Scribble - About some newcomers and my hubby🤔

When we moved in to this present premises, there were already cats in the compound courtyard. As we, the more than one family who reside in the several houses in the premises tolerate cats, so we have somehow been feeding them. 
Several generations of cats came during this last seven years since my family and I shifted in.
My hubby does not like cats in the house, and yet he helps to bring food for them.
Whenever a cat takes a chance to get into the house, he will definitely herd it out with a stick or a coconut-sticks-broom.
A few weeks ago, another batch of four kittens came. He was nervous about it, but the strange thing is, he has been the one to tend to them. Cleaning their mess and whatever else.
In the last couple of days, the mother of those kittens seems to be ignoring her kittens, and belie me... my hubby grabbed the mother and forced her to feed her kittens. 
But now he seems to be  tired of them and told me that it was time to give away those kittens. 

Well, I am thinking of posting the offer in my Facebook page. Hopefully someone would be interested in adopting them.

Saturday 12 December 2020

Traditional dress of The Bahamas

The #Bahamas,  as we all know, is a small archipelago in an archipelago in The #Carribean sea.
A colourful islands with colourful culture and costumes, and one of them is... 

      Image is courtesy of Pinterest