Thursday 22 April 2021

A Scribble - About some newcomers and my hubby🤔

When we moved in to this present premises, there were already cats in the compound courtyard. As we, the more than one family who reside in the several houses in the premises tolerate cats, so we have somehow been feeding them. 
Several generations of cats came during this last seven years since my family and I shifted in.
My hubby does not like cats in the house, and yet he helps to bring food for them.
Whenever a cat takes a chance to get into the house, he will definitely herd it out with a stick or a coconut-sticks-broom.
A few weeks ago, another batch of four kittens came. He was nervous about it, but the strange thing is, he has been the one to tend to them. Cleaning their mess and whatever else.
In the last couple of days, the mother of those kittens seems to be ignoring her kittens, and belie me... my hubby grabbed the mother and forced her to feed her kittens. 
But now he seems to be  tired of them and told me that it was time to give away those kittens. 

Well, I am thinking of posting the offer in my Facebook page. Hopefully someone would be interested in adopting them.

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