Monday 16 November 2020

A Scribble - Drying out in the heat

Chin in a hand-cup, beads of perspirations on the reddish face, what must she do?
Gazing at her smart-phone, browsing through tens of application softwares, from social-media to smart-intelligence. 
Stared without focus. Eyes shifted from one to another. Helas, still nothing. Check out some contacts : " Gosh, where did I note down his details? Damn...! ".
Five minutes has gone, still unretrieved.
Several slaps on the forehead: " I guess I need some booze..", got up, walked towards the kitchenette bar. Opened one small cupboard : " Wine or whiskey? Dry or on-the-rock?". Indecisive.
What next???

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