Saturday 21 November 2020

Going through changes - A Scribble

I start with reminding you that I am not an English or French speaking person. These two languages are popular languages spoken by, we can say, the majority of planet Earth population. Either the true or the pidgins or the slang.
Let me speak about French language first.
I was attracted to this language since I was five years old, when my father was assigned as a diplomat in an African francophone country, Algeria, but I was not a bright pupil. French simply slipped out of my mind and memory like drops of water fall on a calladium leaf. So bad!
Now comes the English language. My youngest aunt who was a high-school student, when I was back home from Africa, spoke about this language and mentioned words like " ladies and gentlemen " or " master of ceremony " .
They were amazing words to my ears. So when I started attending high-school, I focused my mind on that subject.
Great! I progressed quite rapidly. One time there was an opportunity, I was appointed to be a "master of ceremony" and I had to speak in English. Each introduction to a performance always started with "ladies and gentlemen". Very respective way of addressing, indeed. Even at home, whenever my father had to call his guests' attentions, he would call "ladies and gentlemen". It was about thirty years or a bit more ago.
Now, in the early third millennium,  English terms are starting to change. Is it going towards the better??? Because, to my awe, I hardly hear "ladies and gentlemen" anymore, but often "guys". As a non-English person who learned what I had learned, this is turning my mind around. 😣

Monday 16 November 2020

A Scribble - Drying out in the heat

Chin in a hand-cup, beads of perspirations on the reddish face, what must she do?
Gazing at her smart-phone, browsing through tens of application softwares, from social-media to smart-intelligence. 
Stared without focus. Eyes shifted from one to another. Helas, still nothing. Check out some contacts : " Gosh, where did I note down his details? Damn...! ".
Five minutes has gone, still unretrieved.
Several slaps on the forehead: " I guess I need some booze..", got up, walked towards the kitchenette bar. Opened one small cupboard : " Wine or whiskey? Dry or on-the-rock?". Indecisive.
What next???

Friday 13 November 2020

No rope, roots will do

Hello readers,
I know it has been ages since the last time I scribbled some words on this page. 
As a dressmaker, frankly stating that I am getting myself so busy, even I must say over-loaded.
I know, despite of everything, I must make a little time, if not least, available for this page. 
Anyway, to those who do my kind of activity surely know about the requirements to complete the sewing task.
Starting from choosing the fashion, sketching the alterations or modifications, drawing the pattern,  the cutting, the tacking till the stitching and hemming to the final touch. 
The first two tasks anybody can do that.
Now the third task, this has to be done by someone who has learned the theory as well as the practices. One reads the theory, alright and understood. In the practice, a certain kind of paper is needed to draw the design of the fashion that later to be cut and traced on the clothing material. Nowadays, the kind of paper that a dressmaker needs cost money, and sometimes is not available. So what must I do??? Simple! Since my husband buys newspapers, so I ask him not to discard the old editions so that I can use it as a substitute to the common dress-pattern paper like .......👇

It is indeed a good idea... no rope, roots will do. 😊