Tuesday 29 March 2016

Wedding Anniversary

Children grow up to be adolescents then they come to the age towards maturity which commonly the least is at nineteen years, though nowadays the age of adulthood is eighteen years. At that age, they start to have the right of legal identity as an individual, detached from their parents. Then they come to the age of falling in love and get married.

Many get married out of love, but not few also take a vow of marriage of convenience. Not very romantic indeed, but that does not stop for that particular couple from celebrating their marriage anniversary.

Some couple celebrate it by taking "an evening for two only" and some throw a gathering party, sharing their romantic moments with their family and friends.

Many "An evening for two only"  spent on romantic sumptious dinner, flowers and candles. Sometimes in a restaurant with  a certain musician paid to play exclusively for the ones celebrating, and sometimes simply having a romantic home cooked dinner followed by some other activities like listening to music over sips of wine or watch television entertainment programs.

And those who love to share with other, if not inviting the guests to their homes, they may hold it in a hall or hotel ballroom decorated with special decoration for the occasion.

Wedding anniversaries have names, which means a name is given to a certain marriage duration, for instance if a marriage reached duration of five years, the anniversary is called "Wooden wedding anniversary". In this occasion, the couple might choose everything wooden as their decorations in the lieu of their feast. Even the gift that the couple may receive from each other and the guests are made of wood. Not forgetting the ones who celebrate also should have something made of wood on their costumes. Must be funny indeed and fun.

Other wedding anniversaries names such as Tin, Crystal, and others surely must be celebrated in a similar way. Now, let us wonder if ever a couple's marriage reaches the Diamond Wedding, would they clad themselves  in diamond and receiving diamonds as gifts? That would be very awesome!

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