Sunday 28 February 2016

Traditional costume from around the world - Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan was a part of then USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republic), detached herself from Russia in 1991. Located in East Europe and according to the country's profile, Azerbaijan is also called the Land of Fire. In fact as it is shown in many of her pictures, Azerbaijan indeed one of the countries with a certain mystical charm. When it comes to her traditional costume and dresses, it shows the elaborate and bright colorful  design of the decorations, either on female gowns or male costumes. It can be seen the Arabian and Russian influence in the clothing material and cuts and styles. And, they do catch the eyes of the looker. 

As stated in several reviews by economic experts, Azerbaijan's development growth is gained through oil-gas sectors. Business prospect is being boosted to achieve economy stability. Another sector which also is being boosted is tourism. There are many interesting places to visit as tourist destination. And flying on Azerbaijan flight might be good.

Thursday 25 February 2016

Pretty and beautiful botanical garden

Another day for Tina and Chandni with Mirabelle in Mauritius. They got up earlier that day. Tina while taking her breakfast, recollecting their adventure at the Parc Aventure Chamarel, then she laughed. Quite loud that Chandni turned her head and asked why. Tina replied that she was really astonished and amazed at what they did the previous day. Crossing the rope-bridge, clinging on woven ropes as if doing cliff-hanging and what not. Never she experienced that kind of adventure. She told Chandni about an adventure park back home called "Taman Safari Indonesia", a jungle-like park filled with animals free roaming in the open, that people were warned to close the windows of their cars as they explored the park. She did visit that park, but she did not see if adventure like she had in the Parc Aventure. Then she continued telling about the Taman Safari, that there was a hotel in the middle of the park for those who would like to stay over for the weekend or a holiday season. Looked interesting but she did not have the chance to stay over.

Parc Aventure Chamarel

While Tina were chatting about their interesting places in their respective countries, Mirabelle phoned on her mobile phone and asked them to come out for she was reaching the front door of their cottage.

This time, destination the town Pamplemousses. In this town there was a botanical garden. It did not took very long till they reached there. Mirabelle was a good driver. She drove a convertible jeep to the Parc Aventure, this time she drove a 4-wheel-drive.

As they arrived at the Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanical Garden, they looked through the iron entrance gate. Tina exclaimed that it looked peaceful and quiet, and quite romantic, too, and she commented if only she'd had a boyfriend. Chandni giggled and Mirabelle suggested that Tina should open her eyes big, because she might spot a handsome stroller in that garden. And Mirabelle added that there used to be some foreign students paid a visit to the garden for their projects and the eyes of one of them might catch her.

Then those girls took their cameras out and got themselves ready for pretty snapshots.

Saturday 20 February 2016

Traditional costume from around the world - Austria

Austria, is one of the amazing countries in Europe. The snowy mountain range and lakes. The typical flora  on the mountains and the famous white blossoms of snow called "Edelweiss". The vineyards which produce competes with the ones in France.... and her beautiful people and traditional colorful costume.  

For nature's lovers, Austria may be an ideal roving destination. Many strange species of fauna and plants might be found there.

And Austria is also known as an ideal country to study and implement knowledge gained in working at the same time.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

In "Parc Aventure"

So, after Mirabella's foreign girl friends, Tina and Chandni were ready, off they went on a "decapotable" or convertible ranger jeep. The three of them clad in safari style, as if ready to go hunting.

Mirabella said, there was a park, not very big, but it was quite nice to do some adventuring. She mentioned about learning to climb and hiking, crossing rivers on ropes et cetera. The two girls grew excited. Chandni asked if they would do all that by themselves, and Mirabella said there would be a guide cum instructor, there would be no worries.

As they arrived at their destination, Tina saw the sign-board, it was written "Parc Aventure" - Chamarel. She said it looked nice.

Their heart were beating fast the moment they entered the front office of the park. Mirabella registered their names and paid the fees. Chandni said it was quite affordable. Then the receptionist called the guide. Then the receptionist explained that the gentleman would guide them and take the role as their instructor, when the girls eyes fell on the equipment the guide was carrying. The ropes and hooks and locks and harness and everything needed.

The guide prepared them then suddenly Tina's eyes spotted some green and red arrows beyond the front office, and she asked. The guide said that, if one did not want to do the hard adventure, he could just do the walkathon by going through the paths shown by the arrows signs. And he said through that path one might even think of crossing a jungle yonder.

Well, as they were ready, off they went on an almost real cross-country adventure, and did not forget their cameras and video-cameras.

Sunday 7 February 2016

New resolutions

New year's Eve had passed. They had real good time, the party and also unexpected call from homes. Tina received calls from Indonesia and Chandni from India and they said hi to each others' friends and family through video calls, it was so funny.

The following day was naturally the first day of the beginning of another year. Tina woke up very late and as she stared at the ceiling wondering how that day would be spent. She thought of her plans back home and other plans involved. And Chandni on the other bed, beside Tina's, was seen doing a certain yoga position. Tina smiled.

Tina's phone rang, it was Edward, her consultant, greeted her and asked her when she would be back home. Some important documents were waiting for her, he said. Tina said that she had to complete her one month contract with the hotel Mirabelle got her into. Edward laughed at Mirabelle's smart program. Edward reported that a co-tenancy agreement draft of her commercial space was already drawn and needed her proofread. Tina asked Edward to scan it and send it to her email. She was going to read it from  where she was.

After she read the draft and suggested some alterations which she thought would be convenient to both parties, she sent the document back to Edward. Then her mind started surfing her next plan about how to set her shop nice. The furniture and the interior design and everything else.

As Tina was day-dreaming, Mirabelle showed up by the doorway and asked them to get ready. They were going to Chamarel for some curious adventures. There would be couple of places they could visit.