Tuesday 19 January 2016

Towards New Year

The Christmas day had gone by, as Mirabelle had planned, she told her friends that she wanted to organize a party for the New Year's Eve and asked Tina's and Chandni's assistance. She needed a hall, refreshments and music.

An idea struck Tina's mind and she offered if she could talk to her Hotel supervisor, if she could obtain a space for the occasion and Chandni offered to speak to the hypermarket's manager to give them special rate for the purchase of the refreshments they will need.

Mirabelle sneered and thought that was a very fast idea and she agreed. Adding that the time was so short, they should hurry. There wasn't any big problem with Chandni's effort to get the refreshments supply but quite a major problem with the hall because the only banquet hall at the hotel where Tina was assigned already had its own program. Five days away before the Eve, Tina and the others started running their fingers through the yellow pages.

After hours of spotting in the yellow pages and calling for informations, they got one and they made an appointment for a site-visit, which would be on the following day.

Mirabelle thought of a masquerade party, Tina looked at her wide-eyed and said that it would be great because she'd never been to any masquerade party, moreover then she was a part of the organizers. That would be an awesome experience to bring home, Tina added.

So it was decided.... Masquerade Party for New Year's Eve.



Friday 15 January 2016

A note from GustinesDaily writer

The year of the Monkey

Today while listening to Bonjovi's album "What about now", the writer is thinking of an invitation from a family to a dinner tonight. On what occasion? The Spring Festival 2016 dinner to welcome the Chinese year of the Monkey

Yesterday was the year of the Goat. It was a year when the writer decided to do something better for her own self. Things that she thought could give her the pleasures of passing her day to day life. And what she thought to some extent did her the objectives that she expected in the value of spiritual contentment.

Today, looking at the sign of the monkey, she sneered to the funny idea how the year coming would be. It is described that the monkey has positive values and virtue, But like everything else, each one of everything has negative sides and has to be recognized and be prevented.
It is not that the writer believes in it or not, but as one who was born under another sign, she wonders what effect would this monkey inflict on her. Would it give her the continuity of the pleasures that she's been enjoying or would she face obstacles? Nevertheless, she thinks of her friends who always encourage her with "the power of positive thinking". She thinks on moving on with the plans that she has in her mind. And about the dinner tonight.......

As she was thinking of what to wear for tonight, her husband informed her that the host of the party has requested them to wear RED. Oh God, then she thought of a group singer called "RED". Then she told herself as she was wondering which red of the reds she has would fit the event tonight: "Ladies and gentlemen, let us go RED and Kong Shee Fat Chow to all" 

New Year 2016

It is the beginning of the year 2016. Last year's faults and flaws are rolling in the vision like kaleidoscope. A resolution for the future must be drawn for a better way of living and better productivity, moreover due to this blog's writer's negligence in handling her blog space, for almost a month GustinesDaily has been inactive. This is all due to end-of-year family functions continued by family's January festivities. January, for the writer's family, is a special month when the month starts with the birthday of her spouse followed by the birthday of her spouse's grandmother then the spouse's nephew and late mother. It is quite hectic and pocket flattening month when expenses soar like the summer temperature.
Therefore, it is necessary for the writer to start reorganize her schedule of activities.
She will need constructive feedback from her friends and readers, though indirectly but make her sure to receive one way or another. That will definitely give her boosts of inspiration in the future. So, she is requesting her readers to be patient, for there more pieces of mind that she will share.

Friday 8 January 2016

Traditional costume from around the world - Australia

Australia is a continent, the smallest among the five big continents on planet Earth. The native inhabitants of this continent are those called the Aborigines originated from South East Asia about 40.000 years ago. Then landed, so it is said, the exiled renegades from various parts of the planet Earth. Those were the ones who founded the present civilization of the Australian continent. Australia's history is very vast.  The history is giving Australia also colorful and exotic traditions and costumes. The modern culture of Australia seems to be very lively, influenced by those from other parts of the world, while the Aboriginal tradition is somehow nomadic.

When it comes to traditional costumes, Australia does not have any particular traditional  or national dress. She has what probably called the  bushwear which strangely looks more like a raincoat, khakhi trousers, and its slouch hat.

gentlemen in bushwear and  slouch hat

a complicated bushwear (?)

even dogs wear bushwear in Australia

clothing materials with printed aborigines-deco design

Tuesday 5 January 2016

A dressmaker blotted-out mind

Working needs concentration. Inspiration and ideas are expected in any kind of work. In the world of fashion and style, people say not only inspiration and ideas that play a great role, but also something that they call talent. Talent is an abstract quality of a personal capacity or ability on doing a work without hard effort of the mind and spirit of the person. When someone is talented, the fruit of his work may come in a kind of automatic way. It just flows.
But despite of the what is called talent, there are times when a mind goes blank and obscured, either due to boredom or physical fatigue. Now, this state of mind can come  not only to those talented thinkers or activists but also to a mere dressmaker. Some say that being a dressmaker is nice. It is not a difficult occupation. Not like a designer who has to know about lines and curves of human clothing tastes that the fruit of a designer can be appreciated. There are times when a dressmaker is attacked by a blotted state of mind, those are the times that her work becomes untidy due to mistakes done in cutting and stitching, simple as it is. Funny though, if ever we ask why her mind should come to a blotted state and the reply comes to be like that she is not able to complete her own dress so much that she's been spending all her time for her clients.
Then it will be seen the expression on her face that her blotted-out mind has thrown her into a state of trance. A dressmaker blotted-out mind may also cause some noise in her surroundings if she is not alone. She may herself turn sarcastic towards her fellow colleagues.

To get off from this state, a distraction is needed. She must breakaway for a while from her sewing machine. She must decide to take some fresh air and do some window-shopping. Or listen to some music or engage in a conversation.

Saturday 2 January 2016

Happy New Year from the writer

Haven' able to post some blogs for this couple of days due to end of year activities. There was some sewing for some friends to be done and some other preparations. And  it is the second day of the year of 2016, the writer and her husband were invited to a party at the neighborhood. They had songs and drinks , and the writer has some  glasses of pink wine while the husband was having some whiskey, they and the host listened to some music like those of Modern Talking and Nazareth and Eagles.

By midnight the writer went home exhausted. Then she went to sleep dreaming of beautiful dresses.