Tuesday 22 December 2015

Stella Clavisque Maris Indici

After having a lot of fun in Mumbai, it was time for Tina and Chandni to proceed to their holiday destination, Mauritius. When they disembarked, Tina phoned Mirabelle to find out if she would be at the airport to pick them up or they have to grab a cab to get to the booked hotel. Fortunately, Mirabelle said that she'd be by the arrival gate waiting for them.

Quite a long queue by the custom section. Nevertheless, the checking went smoothly and they did not come across any problem.

Mirabelle spotted them and waved, hurriedly they approached Mirabelle, exchanged greetings and hugs, they got on Mirabelle's car. Suddenly Tina said something like "Nice" as she looked around. She looked as the airport driveway and the parking lot, Chandni followed Tina's gaze. And exclaimed the same as Tina.

They made remarked about the roads and the plants on both sides of the road from the airport to Mirabelle's region in the south of the island, not very far from a place called Gris-gris by the Indian Ocean. Before dropping her guests to a bungalow, Mirabelle drove her car to Gris-gris and showed them that beyond there was the ocean with big waves crashing and splashing to the rocks by the coast. She promised after her guests rested enough, she would take them there.

In the late afternoon, the girls had freshened up, and then the three of them went to the coast Mirabelle mentioned. Upon seeing it, Tina said it reminded her of  Pelabuhan Ratu beach, in the southern part of the province of West Java. The was equally dangerous except that Pelabuhan Ratu was longer. They stayed and watched to sky turned red as the sun was setting down, then Mirabelle took them to a restaurant nearby for dinner.

Tina with her curious stares looked around as they entered the restaurant, then her eyes fell on something hanging on the wall that looked like a bird. Tina asked Mirabelle what it was and what was the meaning of the words "Stella Clavisque Maris Indici" written on the ribbon grasp by the bird. Mirabelle replied that Tina was looking at her country's coat of arms, it was a Dodo bird and the inscription on the ribbon meant "the star and key of the Indian Ocean". Tina smiled meaningfully. To shorten today's story, they took their seats and had their dinner with Mirabelle chattering about her plans for her guests.

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