Tuesday 29 December 2015

IT business and fashion world

This topic is considered as the mega level topic. It is vast and quite complicatedly sophisticated. Everyone knows what fashion world is and how it is, but not many who understand Information Technology (IT), moreover Informatics Technology (also IT). What do these ITs have anything to do with fashion world? A question common and simple people will ask. The first IT mentioned in this blog is knowledge about displaying or providing information to the public, while the latter is a knowledge about a certain sophisticated way or means of producing the display or provision of the knowledge in providing information to the public. To discuss the understanding of these two terms will consume a lot of time.

Half a century ago fashion world was exhibited or promoted by using images printed in the newspapers, or by television diffusion. Towards mid 20th century, a magical machine called computers have become very popular which were proved to be capable in providing vast information to the public fast and accurate. Moreover with what they call the Internet web connections, which virtually appear really like cobwebs, connecting one information database to another with lightning speed, television and newspapers look inferior. Fashion shows recorded in form of videos or movie files are stored in video-databases such as YouTube, Vimeo and others, and accessible by the public at any time of the day. So, thanks to the modern technology that nowadays, if one misses a fashion show invitation, one can catch up by finding its recorded archives in the video-databases provided by the Internet.

Monday 28 December 2015

Tina's and Chandni's Christmas in Mauritius

Christmas was two days before, Chandni's moment in that hypermarkett was awesome, especially during two days before Christmas. The department where she was assigned was so crowded and noisy with children voices and in one corner of the premises there was a spectacular performance by the local artists and some children's games like dart-throw-on-balloons and others.
As for Tina, following the Housekeeping Supervisor of the hotel she was posted, was quite tiring, but she found interesting subjects to note into her notebook, that she could take home and made it as reference. And the guests that checked-in to the hotel where amazingly interesting. She even spotted some familiar faces from the cinema world such as Jack Wagner, Michael Keaton, Daniel Stern and she thought she saw also faces like those of Brad Pitt and Angelina Joli tailed by some kids. She watched the group with open-mouthed and asked herself if her eyes did not fool her. That was before Christmas. During the eve, since the Supervisor said that there was a chapel in the premises and if she'd like to attend the midnight mass, she could, so she went.

Then this day Mirabelle, who had been from time to time texting or calling these two foreign friends of hers while they were busy with their pre-Christmas job, planned another activities to welcome the coming New Year. She would lay it out to them in the morning.

Saturday 26 December 2015

Mirabelle's plan implemented

The fourth day after their arrival in Mauritius Island, Tina and Chandni were placed face to face with a set of papers presented by Mirabelle. Tina and Chandni looked at those papers in their hands with wide eyes and then looked at Mirabelle questioningly. Mirabelle sneered and explained that she had obtain a kind of temporary working permits as her guests valid only for the duration of their holiday, that was a month. Tina's and Chandni's eyes grew larger, Mirabelle laughed and said she had already prepared a position for each of them, all she needed just their signatures so that she could submit the documents to the authority.

Tina posted in a hotel as a staff in Households Maintenance/Housekeeping, and Chandni in a hypermarket as a toys department sales-attendant.  Tina's responsability was to assist the Housekeeping Supervisor. Tina thought it was a great idea of Mirabelle and it should be fun. She could look around the hotel how the manage the decorations of the hall, the bedrooms, the suites and kind of materials they used for the interior decorations as well as the beddings and private rooms accessories/ She thought one never know, all those could be her merchandise when she'd opened her shop at the Grand Indonesia Mall. She sneered. And as for Chandni, the idea being at the toys department made her laugh. She said that it was Christmas season, she would see children running and pulling those toys off the shelves and screaming to their parents that they wanted this one or that one. They laughed out hearty laughs, and they would start the fun on the following day.


Friday 25 December 2015

Costume dresses around the world - Aruba

Not many people heard about this country in the Caribbean Sea. Aruba is a small island not bigger than 70 sq. miles, under the sovereign of the Dutch monarchy. Strange as it is, Aruba forms a group together with Bonaire and Curasao, referred as ABC islands . Her culture rooted from the Creole which language has developed into what they call Papiemento, and which nowadays it is mostly influenced by Spanish and English languages.

Aruba's culture, studying by her location and history, was thought to have become a mixture of native American and African Creole, and Spanish since way back in the 15th century and a bit of Dutch that came later. One can imagine how colorful it must have become.

When it comes to her fashion trends, she is somewhat influenced by Dutch, Spanish and French.


Thursday 24 December 2015

Missing a friend

The make-up artist, who had been so busy till she did not know that her friend left the country to go  on a trip, contacted her. Surprise, surprise! Chris asked her why she did not tell her, in reply Tina said she'd been trying to call her but her line was always busy. In fact Tina did tell Chris about Mirabelle's invitation. Anyway, Chris said it did not matter. In fact, she was really busy there were a wedding and a couple fashion show, and she just got the request to fill the job.

While they were chatting through their mobile phone, Chris' phone buzzed, it was Mike on the other line. These group, Tina and friends, they all had two-numbers card. Chris asked Tina to hold on because Mike had just buzzed, but Tina replied she should hang-up since she had to go to a place with her Indian friend and the hostess. So they said "goodbyes and talk to you later".

Mike from the other side asked Chris if they could go out in the evening. Chris amazed at the request replied that would not be a problem at all.

When they met, Mike mentioned about a project and requested Chris to be one of his web contents providers. Chris did not understand what Mike meant by that, and then Mike explained that she can take a place in his website and fill it with either blogs or essays about her activities. Chris agreed and she asked Mike to train her. And they set the days when Chris would start her web contents providing activities for Mike. Satisfied, Mike said "marchee conclu" means "deal".

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Stella Clavisque Maris Indici

After having a lot of fun in Mumbai, it was time for Tina and Chandni to proceed to their holiday destination, Mauritius. When they disembarked, Tina phoned Mirabelle to find out if she would be at the airport to pick them up or they have to grab a cab to get to the booked hotel. Fortunately, Mirabelle said that she'd be by the arrival gate waiting for them.

Quite a long queue by the custom section. Nevertheless, the checking went smoothly and they did not come across any problem.

Mirabelle spotted them and waved, hurriedly they approached Mirabelle, exchanged greetings and hugs, they got on Mirabelle's car. Suddenly Tina said something like "Nice" as she looked around. She looked as the airport driveway and the parking lot, Chandni followed Tina's gaze. And exclaimed the same as Tina.

They made remarked about the roads and the plants on both sides of the road from the airport to Mirabelle's region in the south of the island, not very far from a place called Gris-gris by the Indian Ocean. Before dropping her guests to a bungalow, Mirabelle drove her car to Gris-gris and showed them that beyond there was the ocean with big waves crashing and splashing to the rocks by the coast. She promised after her guests rested enough, she would take them there.

In the late afternoon, the girls had freshened up, and then the three of them went to the coast Mirabelle mentioned. Upon seeing it, Tina said it reminded her of  Pelabuhan Ratu beach, in the southern part of the province of West Java. The was equally dangerous except that Pelabuhan Ratu was longer. They stayed and watched to sky turned red as the sun was setting down, then Mirabelle took them to a restaurant nearby for dinner.

Tina with her curious stares looked around as they entered the restaurant, then her eyes fell on something hanging on the wall that looked like a bird. Tina asked Mirabelle what it was and what was the meaning of the words "Stella Clavisque Maris Indici" written on the ribbon grasp by the bird. Mirabelle replied that Tina was looking at her country's coat of arms, it was a Dodo bird and the inscription on the ribbon meant "the star and key of the Indian Ocean". Tina smiled meaningfully. To shorten today's story, they took their seats and had their dinner with Mirabelle chattering about her plans for her guests.

Gentlemen's formal outfits

An outfit makes a man. People dress-up for occasions. To go to a beach party people wear casuals like t-shirts and short pants. To go to a tea party or social gatherings, the casual outfits may be an assemble of tailored pants and a long or short sleeves shirt. On special formal occasions such as wedding, cocktail or state dinner parties people wear formal outfits. Ladies wear elegant long evening dresses, and the gentlemen wear what they call tuxedos, which can transform a man's appearance from common to elegance.
Here are some pictures of those tuxedos...

Sunday 20 December 2015

Beauties of the world

One characteristic of life, apart from beauty, plays or duty, it is also a competition.
Many kinds of competition were created and organized yearly or longer. Even beauty is also being competed, the beauty of beings and personalities.
Recently people watched two beauty competitions, they were Miss Universe Contest and Miss World Contest, where they chose the most beautiful and intelligent lady among participants who came from countries around the world. But let's cut the part about what they must do during the contest. Instead let's look at some of their beautiful and extravagant gowns worn.
Here are some of them...

Saturday 19 December 2015

A dressmaker apocalypse

A dressmaker had been working in the field all her life. She'd been caressing and handling her sewing machine. Earned a little money out of it, though the fact was the revenue and cash-return of a dressmaker could never be enough to give a comfortable life to her. The income and the expenses rarely met at both ends. Moreover, when it was time for servicing, the center for that did not exist. Took quick lessons on how to handle the servicing by own self. Good for her if she'd succeeded, but what if she did not? Not many dressmakers had technician brains. What should be done?
The worse was to be done; that was to do her best to go easy on the utilization of her sewing machine till she'd got enough funds to obtain a new one. What if the funds couldn't be raised? Then the worst of the worst would be decided to be done;  have the junk discarded and return to ancient time when they were using pig's bristle or sharp thorns as needle to stitch. Means this apocalypse reminds machine work  never last longer than the work of the bare hands.

Friday 18 December 2015

Tina and Chandni to Bollywood

After a light breakfast in one morning, Tina and Chandni thought of feeding their curiosity about Bollywood, a center of Indian cinema industry. Chandni said that this opportunity should not be missed. Tina told Chandni that her late grandmother loved to watch Indonesian subtitled Indian movies. Chandni was astonished, then off they went. They got information about the shooting locations in the vicinity. They visited an old fortress, the forest and other reachable places. It was so happened they came across people who were, as it seemed to them, doing movie shooting. Tina wondered how Bollywood recruits artists. She thought of finding out about it later on. In the meantime, she just enjoyed the sight of the shooting scenes.

Thursday 17 December 2015

Costume dresses around the world - Armenia

Most of the people know that Armenia was a part of  Russia. Therefore, despite of her rich ancient history and various influences from many different ethnic in Eurasia (Europe and Asia) including Turkey, Russia left strong influence in culture and language that Russian language was taken as official second language.

Nowadays, it seems that her economic situation is quite stable and she has been opening quite a lot of jobs opportunities expecting that this will be able to assist in the development of the country. Even the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Armenia is also participating in Recruitment Programs.

Armenian culture is very colorful, too, like her neighboring countries. Her music and dance as well her traditional costumes are lively. She is also a country archaeologists should not miss, because there are several historical  places worth visiting.

www.wikiwand.com (17th century)

www.gegharddance.am (painting)


Wednesday 16 December 2015

End of year holiday in Mauritius

Mauritius, a country consists of Mauritius Island and Rodrigues Island , a cosmopolitan country  where you find multi-culture. And you may hear several languages spoken, for instance English, French, Creole, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil and Bhojpuri. Strange as it seem but it is a beautiful country with soft, white sand. It is true, this island seems to be difficult to reach, especially by people from the continent of America and Australia, and yet so far, quite a number of people from those places did come to pay this island beneath the wind a visit and some even came back again and when going home promised to come back again. Now, the end of the year 2015 is nearly over, and people have started getting busy with the preparation for Christmas and New Year.

Christmas trees are erected in some public places like in the courtyard of the municipalities, gardens and parks. And there is a place where they used to have cultural show not far from the port, which is called Caudan Waterfront. The ambiance may start even a week before Christmas Day. And people are also given a seasonal bazaars that only exist during end of the year season on some of the streets in some regions of cities, like in Madad-ul-Islam street in Plaine Vert Region and by the Victoria Bus Terminal and other places in Rosehill, Quatre Bornes, Curepipe and Mahebourg.

Some companies are close for the season but some remain in operation and many of them even open part-time jobs because some of their employees who have families in the other island like a Mauritian has a family in Rodrigues Island decide to spend the holiday there and vice-versa. It can be fun if one can get a job in that sleepy island. Even foreign students are also given the opportunity to get a seasonal part-time jobs.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Richard's aim

As he was working with his father in his father's palm company, Richard saw to it that he collected  information about job vacancies outside his country. He remembered about his conversation with Tina one evening at Merdeka Square under the star. They talked about possibilities in ASEAN countries. He thought that competition in jobs opportunities in ASEAN countries was very high that made him a bit skeptic.
He searched in the Internet, his eyes fell on the American Continent in general, and Latin America in particular. He was interested in Latin America countries, attracted by their sophisticated culture. But there was one big drawback, Spanish language that was, and a compulsory. There was no alternative than to take up Spanish language course. Richard wished himself good luck.

Monday 14 December 2015

Tina's craze

A few days away before Tina and Chandni had to board another plane heading west towards Africa.
In the morning they discussed about their schedule. They had to make a good decision about where to go. Chandni thought perhaps going to a bazaar or market instead of a mall would be much better, because there  they would surely find cheaper beautiful things. Some bazaar may look like a hypermarket. Tina had quite good sightseeing. It was good that it wasn't raining that day, otherwise one could imagine how inconvenient it would be walking under heavy rain on wet, slippery muddy streets, moreover as it was the season of monsoon.

As they walked down the street, Tina noticed a stall with colorful materials and she asked Chandni whether they were sarees, and Chandni said they were. Tina became excited, she exclaimed how beautiful they look, and pulled Chandni's hand to the stall. Then Tina started asking for their price and bargained with Chandni as her interpreter. Chandni out of curiosity asked Tina whether Indonesians wear sarees, smiling Tina said that Indonesians transform sarees materials into what they call "kain sarung" and "kain panjang" and Tina said she would explain what those were later on. With bright expression, from time to time lifting up her eye-brows looking as Chandni who watched her with half opened mouth, Chandni could see the twinkling in Tina's eyes, and Tina reminded Chandni  that she was a dressmaker. Beautiful materials boosted her adrenaline all the time.

In the end came to the end of the shopping.  The hands of both girls were loaded with bags.

Saturday 12 December 2015

Tina's curiosity

Tina got up early, had breakfast in the hotel room. Chandni placed a room service breakfast order. Then she looked out the window. She asked Chandni about the towns around Mumbai, perhaps some of them might be interesting to visit. Chandni replied that there were quite a number, like Chinchpokli where one could find a railway station, junk shops, tea-houses even a web-design company. And there Ghodapdeo, a town with a number of housing facilities. Also Cumballa Hills, an upmarket in the western part of South Mumbai with her real-estate markets and projects. But Chandi suggested that they should just do window-shopping that day.

Friday 11 December 2015

Costume dresses around the world - Argentina

Argentina a country in South America is rich with colorful traditional costumes. The men with the outfit they call gaucho and the ladies with their colorful frilled skirts, long or short with matching blouses or even long-dresses without forgetting their narrow brimmed sombreros. One can write a lot about this exotic Latin American country, but here only some images are exhibited: