Thursday 31 October 2019

The life in time

We all go through stages in life. We were born, we grew up, we got married and started having children. Each stage accompanied by learning and experiencing. Learned good from bad, experienced joy and pain in the process. 
As new-borns it took a lot of time to learn to walk and talk. That is human. Unlike a colt, takes only a few hours to start running. But the colt can never talk like human.
Then came the stage of academic education, means attending a place called school. Another length of time to go through before we were ready to go free and independent, and find a means to sustain our existence. That is for human, as for the colt and the rest of them depend on the nature providence.
Now as we get into the next stage. The colt, grown as a horse has "mating season", but for human there is another more than ample time to find a compatible mate. For the horse, the season makes it happen like automatic, for the human complications are always meddling with the human senses. But when finally one seems to have found the most compatible according to his judgement through experience then the time comes to settle the affair.
The affair settled, another stage through a certain period of time comes. The arrival of a progeny. A new-born human. A cycle is completed to start another cycle, either in the same colour and nuance or modified or completely changed, depending on a certain unexplainable factor.
We may or may not be able to see how the cycle of life rolls, the mystery of it remains lingering among the uncertainty, which develops into infinite puzzle no mind can solve.